The Yellow-faced bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii, is common in coastal southern California. The bumble bee featured in the first set of photographs might have been a recently emerged queen based upon her large size and the date. I photographed her on March 25, and again on April 3, 2024. On those dates she visited a… Continue reading Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
Category: California Natives – Flora
Variations of Form
On a day of her choosing, summer exiles her vernal sister.Dispatched from the realm with a sidelong scorch, spring retreats. Eager seeds, too long in slumber, awaken beneath her footsteps. Their coats crack open. Spines of bright chlorophyll unfurl, an Homage of leaflets, tender cairns that mark her journey. As a mountain lion she traverses… Continue reading Variations of Form
Panel One: a male Valley Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sonorina), collects nectar from Narrow Leaf milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis) blossoms. On the Sunrise Trail in Conejo Open Space, May 27, 2022. Panel Two: a Lorquin’s Admiral (Limenitis lorquini) collects nectar from Black Sage (Salvia mellifera) blossoms. On the Sunrise Trail in Conejo Open Space, May 27, 2022.… Continue reading Triptych
Grazing Buck
A male Mule Deer stops to graze as he walks through the brush. Two large Coast Live oak trees and some low growing shrubs separate the buck from me. The presence of the trees in particular helped me to stay hidden. He passes from shadow cast by the first tree to an opening of sunlight,… Continue reading Grazing Buck