Coast Live Oak and Toyon

In December of 2018, a little more than a month after the Woolsey Fire burned through much of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and Conejo Open Space, a friend and I headed out for a hike starting from the Albertson Motorway trailhead. The well-groomed, exotic greenery and cultivated lawns of the adjacent Lang… Continue reading Coast Live Oak and Toyon

iNaturalist Observations

Fire Poppy on the Etz Meloy/Backbone trail, Santa Monica Mountains, April 2019

I am spending much of my time in the field and just outside my door taking photographs of plants, flowers and insects with the occasional bird, reptile and mammal included when our paths intersect. Doing this kind of work requires patience and focus. I find that I must slow down and concentrate on my subject.… Continue reading iNaturalist Observations

Winter – 2020 Trail Observations

Bobcat, Los Robles West, Conejo Open Space, Thousand Oaks, CA

Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves. —Nāgārjuna, second-century Buddhist philosopher The Meditation (My Trip into Crazy Town) Truth is a provisional construct, the integrity of which is only as good as the reliability of the source. We all know this on some level. Without some basic agreement… Continue reading Winter – 2020 Trail Observations

Pacific Pea and California Hedge Nettle

Photo of Pacific Pea, blue-hued flowers on the Backbone trail in the Santa Monica Mountains (January 2020)

Etz Meloy is one of my favorite trails, but I decided to hike Backbone in the opposite direction yesterday. I followed the trail until it came to an intersection with the Zuma Ridge trail, then continued on Zuma Ridge up to Buzzard’s Roost, then turned back and retraced my steps. Just after I started walking,… Continue reading Pacific Pea and California Hedge Nettle