Danaus plexippus: Beyond the Fourth Instar – Part I

As a fifth instar, "Seven" is eating voraciously, preparing for a final molt and the chrysalis stage.

As soon as the Monarch caterpillar is large enough to be seen on a milkweed plant, it becomes a potential snack for certain bird species that are not affected by the toxins the caterpillar ingests by eating milkweed. As the caterpillar develops from first through fifth instar, its size and increased mobility make it easier for predators to see. I do not know which… Continue reading Danaus plexippus: Beyond the Fourth Instar – Part I

Two Widows: The Native and The Carpetbagger

Brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) egg sacs

Certain spider webs appear to have been spun by an arachnid with a talent for asymmetrical design. One spider that creates what might look like a web without a balanced plan is the Black Widow Latrodectus hesperus. I have seen a couple of these spiders in my yard after dark, suspended motionless from a web created using my cats’ outdoor… Continue reading Two Widows: The Native and The Carpetbagger

Danaus plexippus Larva: Fodder for Ants

Monarch aterpillar about to molt a fifth and final time

The Monarch caterpillar that I featured in a couple previous posts died about three weeks ago, just before it was about to molt one last time and pupate. My sadness at finding it lying lifeless a couple feet from its milkweed plant seemed out of proportion. I did not have the heart to post about… Continue reading Danaus plexippus Larva: Fodder for Ants