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Western Bumble Bee
California Bumble Bee
Morrison Bumble Bee
Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
Tower 45 Terroir: Holocene Days
Black-tailed Bumble Bee
White-Shouldered Bumble Bee
Variations of Form
Costa’s Hummingbird
Two Form Bumble Bee
Grazing Buck
Lotus Hairstreak
Small Habitat in Suburbia
Crotch’s Bumble Bee
To The Windmill
Albertson Fire Road
A Long-horned Bee: Subgenus Synhalonia
Coast Live Oak and Toyon
Bindweed Turret Bee
Acmon Blue Butterfly
Fire Poppy, Papaver californicum
Winter – 2020 Trail Observations
White-lined Sphinx Moth
Pacific Pea and California Hedge Nettle
Conejo Open Space: Autumn Ridge and Sunrise Trails
Urbane Digger Bee and Sleeping on Flowers
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridans
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Video: Big Pod Ceanothus on the Sunset Hills Trail
Blainville’s Horned Lizard on the Meadow Vista Trail
Swallowtail Butterfly
Matilija Poppy, Romneya coulteri
Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa californica
Praying Mantis: The Nymphs Hatch
Woolly-Pod Milkweed: A Mantis, Monarchs, Flies and Honey Bees
The Petition
The Sapient Ones
Bumble Bees, Honey Bees and Milkweed
Santa Monica Mountains and Conejo Open Space
Bumble Bees Will Not Attend Your Picnic
Our Closest Neighbors Are Birds
Backyard Monarch Project: A Year Later
Ceanothus (California Lilac)
A Dragonfly Hitches a Ride: The Blue-Eyed Darner
Pacific Gopher Snake – Pituophis catenifer catenifer
California Mantis (Stagmomantis californica)
Going Native: First Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
Danaus plexippus Selects a Leaf, Powers Up the Buzz Saw
Danaus plexippus Larva: Eating Machine
Danaus plexippus: Fourth of Four Monarchs
Danaus plexippus: Beyond the Fourth Instar – Part I
Danaus plexippus: Beyond the Fourth Instar – Part II
Danaus plexippus: Four Monarchs
Danaus plexippus Larva: Fodder for Ants
Two Widows: The Native and The Carpetbagger
Hike, Run or Bike the Backbone Trail to New Etz Meloy
California Sister
November: Hill and Hawk Canyons
Red / Cobwebby Thistle
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Photo Gallery Featuring “Seven”
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